One of the best things about a vacation is the 'pre shop'
The excitement of pending travel
The need to purchase new clothing for new adventures
My husband and I did this today.
And then I went back out and did some more on my own.
His shopping time span does not equate to mine.
I had a vision of particular items
And I love when
I find the exact articles of clothing or accessories
And everything looks like it shoud
and fits like it should
Little victories!
But I feel my greatest victory today
and the best way I handed over my money,
was as I was driving out of the lot.
A man stood with a sign in his hands,
Pleading for help.
And because I am fortunate enough to be doing a 'pre shop',
before a vacation,
I rolled down my window and handed him a bill.
No judgement of how or why he stands there
Because who am I to judge