Every time I get into my vehicle, my watch buzzes on my wrist & lights up.
My dash does the same.
And It's alway the same sentiment,
a notification alerting me :
"28 minutes to work".
Apparently my life is pretty predictable.
And dare I say it occasionally feels somewhat mundane.
I'm currently running in the mundane hamster wheel.
Work. Cook. Clean. Sleep. Work. Cook. Clean. Sleep. Work. Cook. Clean. Sleep. Repeat...
And I like my work.
And I like cooking.
And I like like sleeping.
And I like everything clean. And quite particular.
Ask my family - they'll probably roll their eyes.
And do I enjoy the cleaning part, not so much. But I do it because I like things so darn clean & tidy and organized. #typeA
But sometimes I just need a shift.
Some inspiration.
Some joy.
Something For the better.
So today when I got into my vehicle.
My watch & dash buzzed their typical notification.
And with a smile of joy & a spark of inspiration, I felt a little shift.
So I replied aloud
"Not today Siri, not today!"