Untitled ~ because I'm too tired to come up with a title.
Admitting you're tired does not make you 'less than' or weak or shameful.
I woke up thinking "Ugh, it's only Thursday. It's not Friday. I still have two of seven shifts to get through before I get a break".
Woe is me.
And my job is great, I work in a wonderful department with many wonderful people but seven days in a row is... ALOT.
Somewhat Soul sucking.
Does anyone get this?
Does everyone experience this?
And then when I finally have a day off, I won't even get a break because the weekend will be filled will all the things I haven't done at home over the past seven days because I was too busy working.
And then after those chores are said and done I'll be right back at it.
Back to the grind.
When can I get to my scripts!?!?!?!
This schedule is for the birds.
I'm tired.
My diet is suffering.
And I don't mean that I am on a diet,
I just mean that what I'm ingesting is not my typical.
And my bowels are suffering for it.
They're screaming at me as I type.
I've definitely taken in way more coffee & carbs then I'd like like to admit.
The carbs excess is in part, well actually entirely due to my husband trying to be helpful & cook dinner.
But his idea of a meal means that we're not eating from the four food groups....
which in turn means very much lacking in the "any fresh food" department.
I would just love a salad for dinner.
But where does one find romaine?
That is all.
Pouting complete.