There is something magical about being in a movie theatre
At least for me anyway
I remember my father dated a woman who ran a movie theatre
or perhaps she was the manager
or the owner.
I'm not sure
I was to young to know the difference
and too innocent to care about titles.
Or maybe she was just his friend?
Again, too young to know the difference.
I remember going to the theatre every weekend...
and this may have only been a short moment of time
in the big scheme of a my lifespan,
I'm not sure.
But I remember it vividly
It had an impact
I loved every moment
The excitement of walking up the steps to the projector booth
Feeling special
Getting a "backstage" pass
to this magical world
of "the movies"
It didn't even matter what movie was playing.
The joy was the same.
This was my imaginary castle.
My fairytale.
Standing in the booth
Looking down into the dark theatre
Watching people walk in and take their seats
Hearing the projector start up
beside me
The bright burst of light shooting out the lens
Dust dancing like fireflies caught in the beam
The haze surrounding it
Until the picture lights up on the screen...
That was my magic.
We went to a movie theatre tonight.
We all sat spellbound watching the screen.
And the emotions that I felt watching this incredible film,
Brought all of these memories back to my mind.
It reminded me of the magic.
And why I want to be
a part of it.