We moved to the current city that we are
living in
in November of 2020.
As we all know
waves of the pandemic
have come and gone
more than once
since the time.
have waxed and waned.
There's a little breakfast diner
that we've been wanting to try
in our relatively new to us city
we hadn't had the opportunity
to experience.
Until this morning.
We stepped into the breakfast diner
around eleven thirty am.
A little late for breakfast
I'd say - considering I was out of bed by six am.
Two tables were taken by other patrons,
the remaining tables were empty.
It seems we had missed the rush
or perhaps
being a Tuesday,
there wasn't a rush.
But that's neither here
nor there.
I was curious if they offered some lunch items
considering the time
and for those of you who know me
soup is my thing.
I'd take a good bowl of homemade soup
over breakfast any day.
We stood in the doorway
like three bumps on a log.
There was no signage
stating either
"seat yourself"
"please wait to be seated".
And since the
waxing and waning
of pandemic restrictions -
we always wait for direction.
A man with a cell phone to his ear -
waved to us with authority
and told us to to sit wherever we'd like.
We thanked him and sat.
A server brought us menus'
we smiled and sincerely thanked her.
No 'you're welcome' in return.
I'm really, really big on manners
just ask my grown children.
Please, thank you and you're welcome should be instinctual not optional.
My husband ordered a "cup of coffee - please".
Me - "just water for now please".
Our daughter stumbled over her drink order
as the energy from our server
was so intense...
but even so, she still said
I felt bad for her discomfort.
But even so, We all instinctively and sincerely said thank you -
Despite being made to feel that we were unwanted.
And at this point, it was only water for us girls
as we hadn't even glanced at the menu
so if lunch was the direction
that we were heading,
coffee or tea wouldn't be a part of it.
We ordered.
Breakfast it would be.
Simple menu. Easy order.
I hadn't even finished ordering completely
and she was turning to my husband for his order.
Until I asked the margarine question...
I don't eat margarine.
I have my reasons,
not worth sharing here.
I could feel her disdain.
I just asked for my toast dry.
So really, I'm not being extra.
My husband ordered his meal.
But then he asked.... if they had butter,
the nerve!
She started to walk away without saying a word.
He asked, to me mainly, was that a yes or a no?
She tossed over her shoulder,
it'll have to be on the side.
Like a punishment.
That's ok, he's not above buttering his own toast.
She proceeded to walk over to her co-worker
maybe six feet away
at a counter facing us
and started talking about my husband.
And from the look of her face
it was smack talk.
And it became even more obvious
with the face her co-worker made
when she looked up
at him.
This ordering exchange had been so awkward
and she had turned so fast on her heels that
I didn't even get the
to order a coffee.
Or our daughter
a tea.
She's like me,
water until she knows what meal she'll be eating.
I thought, it's fine.
We'll order our drinks when she brings our meal.
Well, she didn't bring our meal.
Someone else did.
And walked away without asking if there was anything else we needed.
No butter on the side.
Margarine on his toast.
He shrugged.
I felt slighted.
After unsuccessfully trying to make eye contact
and capture our servers attention
from the counter she stood at
facing our direction
chatting with her co-worker...
my husband called to her
and asked for a coffee.
She asked 'just one?''.
He said yes.
In his defence, he was thinking we the patrons only needed one additional cup.
But this wasn't a battle
it was a diner
so why do we have to feel
or think
We are people,
being polite and paying for a meal.
She came over with the pot.
He told her it was for me.
She rolled her eyes and walked away to get a mug.
At this point our daughter no longer wanted to ask for a tea.
The coffee was poured.
I thanked her with true appreciation ~
because I was really feeling unworthy.
Cowering seems to be my innate response to disrespect.
She walked away.
"you're welcome"
was never spoken.
The food was actually pretty good.
The environment
was somewhat cute ~
for a breakfast diner.
But will go back.
H to the ELL No.
And we send our apologies to the owner.
Because we're pretty certain that is not who served us.
It's really sad,
that in state of the world today
seeking out small business'
to whom they can support ~
are treated
with such disrespect.
I know we were only three people to you.
But We Are Three People.
So Instead
the next time we go for breakfast
we'll prefer
to go to
the shabbier place
just down the road
where the food isn't as good
but the smiles
and manners are instinctual.
Because Positive Human interaction mean that much more to us.
Oh, and by the way - the water was warm and served without ice.