I watch This Is Us
Every Tuesday
this has been my go-to television show
I have been devoted
Each of it’s six seasons
Usually I cry at least once per episode
Often it's been more
The Series Finale
Ugh, the tears
Everything about this show
The characters
The stories
The believability
The relatability
All of it
These writers amaze me
They way they have the ability
to make so many people
truly care
fictional characters...
it's Magical.
The way the actors
convince a viewer
that the character
they portray
is who
they actually are...
Top Shelf.
The way the writers of this show
with their writing
with each and every episode
An inspiration
For this writer
Let me leave you with these beautiful inspirational words of dialogue that have echoed through this final season of This Is Us. Whether you watched the show or not... Shame on you if not, these words can inspire anyone and everyone. And that is fabulous writing is all about.
"Take the risks. Make the big moves, even if they're small moves. Forge ahead with your lives in any and every direction that moves you. I'm asking you to be fearless." ~ Rebecca Pearson