If you were to ask a few of the girls from work about pants,
they'd tell you I've shared a few stories.
When we hear the word 'Pants' it triggers the memory go a specific story.
A Pretty funny one at that.
My poor husband being the butt, pun intended, of the joke.
But this is a new one.
I walked into the closet after work
and found the Pants in the picture that half sat on the floor.
I thought "wtf is this"?
Are they partially standing to step into quickly during an emergency?
Are they so crisp that they can't be folded?
Are they clean/dirty so that is why they're not being hung?
If they're dirty dirty then just throw them into the hamper.
Yes, we have a hamper. Who doesn't have a dirty clothes hamper in their laundry room?
What you don't see in this picture that is within arms reach of these Pants is the shelving unit that they could've easily been folded and placed upon.
I was perplexed by this.
I took above pic and sent it to my friend because we do random sh*t like this with each other.
Her response...
Her husband does the same thing all the time!
How is this a thing?
How does one step out of the pants and leave then half standing?
And my bigger question... Why?!
Is this a skill they've been taught?
Is it a passed down to them?
I wouldn't even begin to know how to do this with my pants.
And I'm A-OK with that.