Today is the last day of Intersession Week
The last time I attended College we called it Reading Week...
I had grand plans
of getting a lot of work done
over the week without class.
I planned on
Being ahead of my own self imposed schedule
And I did none of it
I mean
my brain thought through a lot of things
I worked through some ideas consistently
in my mind
But I never put pen to paper
or fingers to keyboard
Except for this blog
And here I sit
the day before
I swing back into class
And my energy
is still
a little
from eternal sources
These past couple of weeks
have been a real eye opener for me.
Well, not really an eye Opener,
my eyes were open ~ that's why I returned to school
full time
at my age.
But the past couple weeks
were more of a reminder
to not slip back in
to the toxic space
that I'm trying to get away from.
Old habits die hard.
Growth is tough.