… photo sits on my night table
A photo that I look at when I wake
And when I go to sleep.
It was a gift.
And not only the photo and the frame.
But the memory.
I remember the moment
that I snapped this photo
these two tremendous souls
as we were about
to board a plane
Fly away to a tropical vacation
I look at this photo
And my hearts bursts with love
And then
My eyes burst with tears
Not every time
But at this moment
Was I enough for them?
Did I do right by them?
Could I have done better?
And I have regrets,
I wish I’d done some things
We all do.
And I call bullshit if you say that you do not
NONE Of us are perfect parents
All of us look back
at some moments
And wish
time could’ve stood still
I Wake every day
Go to sleep every night
Wishing nothing but the absolute
For these two
Wishing them all the love
And joy
And happiness
That they’re beautiful hearts need
And want
And deserve
And more