Does anyone else do this?
Ask for a Paper Boarding Pass
to use as a bookmark?
I do this every time I travel.
Despite the fact that I book online
and use a plastic card to pay,
I want a paper boarding pass.
And yes,
I realize
it's paper.
And from a tree.
But it's already there,
sitting at the desk.
That process has already occurred.
Which I was absolutely no part of.
I'm re-purposing,
for more than the obvious reason
of a physical bookmark.
It's Tangible proof
of time spent
A physical connection
to the
And every night
when I open a book to read ~
even if I'm awake writing till 4am,
I still read someone else's words
before I close my eyes to sleep.
Or I'd probably never sleep.
Childhood habits die hard.
SO every night when I open a book to read,
I am greeted by a boarding pass.
Which then triggers my mind
to escape ~
to places I've been,
memories I cherish
and people that I love.
And my heart smiles,
No matter what space my mind was occupying
when I opened the book.
My mind, my heart, and inevitably my soul
arrive at a greater destination.
Try it.